Zoe and the Love Triangle

This is an entry from Zoe’s private diary and thus in first person narrative.

Since I was a kid, numbers fascinated me. If it would have been just numbers, there won’t have been an issue but there was something else pulling me towards itself as well.

These were words.

I have had them both in my life and all three of us were very happy in this love triangle.

Years went by and then it was time to choose one of my loves to make a career out of.

I could choose numbers and go and get a degree in finance and accounting, or I could go study words and get a degree in either literature or linguistics.

I pondered over them for long hours and finally I chose one. Numbers.

But hey, that didn’t mean I didn’t choose words as well. I couldn’t let our triangle break, after all.

As I got admission for my bachelors in finance, I started a blog where I posted my words. The idea of people reading my work has always given me immeasurable pleasure and this was one way of getting my work some audience without actually being a published author.

With studies taking up time, I couldn’t give my words the time and effort they deserved and they were sometimes neglected. This continued until I graduated.

The little break I had of few months after that, proved to be the life giving air to my blog.

That, too, however was short lived as I got a job and started working long hours.

I needed an internet connection to post the stories that were forming in my head. To post the poetry that was taking shape.

I already had an Android phone with all techy apps on it but I was hesitant about using the internet. But a friend then have me the boost I required and since then there has been no turning back.

Anytime and anywhere I get an urge to write and post on my blog, I just take out my phone and tap away.

No waiting time where I may sometime forget what I came up with and for that, I can’t be grateful enough.

There was a day that I thought I can do whatever I want and today I live that thought.

Click a picture and post it on the blog or instagram. A short story formed in the mind, write it ASAP and on it goes on the blog. No need to get home and take out the laptop to get started.

Once again, can’t be grateful enough for having been able to get my words across to the right audience.

– Zoe

14 thoughts on “Zoe and the Love Triangle

  1. This is so relatable! Story very nicely told. As Paulo Coelho said “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it“. Never hold your passion from something back when at crossroads of choosing between what ou can and what you should have. All the best for pursuing your dreams.

  2. Being positive and living positive could get you almost anywhere you like to be in thsii world. Pursue your dreams with positivity and you’ll win..!!

  3. Atleast you managed to keep your words alive. I have been trying to push myself to start writing but I guess my motivation ain’t that strong. But I’d love to start of again anytime I get a chance and I guess I just might do that after reading this:)

    • I once told someone something and I’m going to tell you the same thing. It’s all about priorities. If your prioritise your words, somehow you’ll manage to take out time for them. I’m not saying it will be a smooth ride, but one day, when you’ve traveled the bumpy roads, reach the smoothness.

      All the very best Saud. 🙂

  4. I had the same love triangle with me, mass comm and law. I chose mass comm and not regretting it at all. This blog like all your others was great. Love your simplicity of words.

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